

Dinner with Bradley Denton

Posted by : atcampbell | On : July 23, 1996

Dinner with Bradley Denton

Following the success of last month’s dinner with Bill Spencer, we took Brad Denton out to dinner on July 23. Eleven of us, including Brad and his wife Barbara, gathered at the Shady Grove Cafe for a lovely meal of burgers, sandwiches, and “frings”. The group was so large that Brad had to go back and forth from one side of the table to the other to answer all his fans’ questions. We learned about Brad’s writing process: “I always finish a book before I try to sell it, to lessen the chance of editors screwing it up”, “I wrote the chapters of Lunatics in order but I skipped around a lot on Blackburn“, “I always do at least 8 or 9 drafts”. We had fun visiting with Brad, and we’ll probably do another “meal with a writer” in a couple of months.

Due to conventions and other conflicts, we’ll only have one August meeting. We’ll be discussing Metropolitan by Walter Jon Williams on August 20 at Adventures in Crime and Space. For the latest information, check out our web page. Newcomers are always welcome.

–A. T. Campbell, III