

Posted by : atcampbell | On : January 19, 2010

Thirteen Orphans by Jane Lindskold

Appropriately, thirteen people attended this meeting at the Milwood Library. Our topic was Thirteen Orphans, a tale of Asian magic unleashed in the American Southwest. Three of us had read Lindskold before. All of us started the book, and ten finished it.

We all appreciated this book’s new magic system, based on mahjongg. We hadn’t seen it used before in fantasy, and we appreciated how the author had researched

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Posted by : atcampbell | On : January 4, 2010

Shambling Towards Hiroshima by James Morrow

Eleven people attended this discussion at the North Village Library. Our topic, a short novel by James Morrow, is a secret history about a weapons project conducted by the US Navy during World War II. While the Army was busy researching atomic bombs, the Navy was working on giant monsters to fight the Japanese enemy.  And a host of people from the American film industry were recruited to help them with their task.  Six of us had read Morrow before. All of us started and finished Shambling towards Hiroshima.

Several of us loved the idea of the Naval Giant Monster project. One person

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