

Posted by : atcampbell | On : July 21, 2009

The Jennifer Morgue by Charles Stross

This meeting at the Milwood library drew ten attendees. Our topic was The Jennifer Morgue, a spy/horror/high tech novel featuring Stross’s recurring character Bob Howard. All of us had read Stross before. We all started the book, and seven finished it.

We enjoyed returning to the world Bob Howard inhabits, which has a Lovecraftian

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Posted by : atcampbell | On : July 6, 2009

Lest Darkness Fall by L. Sprague de Camp

Fifteen people attended this meeting, the first held in the new building for the North Village Library. Our topic was L. Sprague de Camp’s Lest Darkness Fall, a time travel/alternate history story set in historical Rome. Thirteen of us had read de Camp before. Twelve of us started this book, and eight finished.

One person liked it a lot. He felt it convenient that Padway, the time traveler, was

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