

Posted by : atcampbell | On : October 15, 2002

The Chronoliths by Robert Charles Wilson

Fourteen people attended this discussion at Jeff and Judy’s home, and two submitted comments by email. Our topic, the near-future science fiction thriller The Chronoliths, was a recent Hugo nominee. In this book, large artifacts start mysteriously appearing all over the Earth. These artifacts, called chronoliths, bear messages declaring future military victories. The story follows a group of scientists trying to figure out how the chronoliths are getting sent from the future, why they are being sent, and how to avert the supposedly inevitable conquest of the planet. Nine of us had started the book, and all finished it.

We thought this book had an interesting premise and the author developed it well. We enjoyed that much of the action took place in unusual locations like Thailand, Minneapolis, and El Paso. The fast-paced action and Wilson’s lean writing style produced a fast reading experience. We found the emergence of

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Posted by : atcampbell | On : October 1, 2002

Declare by Tim Powers

Twelve people attended this meeting held at Charles and Willie’s home. Our group had discussed and enjoyed several previous books by Tim Powers before, and we were looking forward to his latest novel. Declare is a World War II era spy novel with supernatural elements, and it recently won the World Fantasy Award.

While we approached Declare with high hopes, we generally found the reading experience unrewarding. Only four people finished the book, and the other seven who started reading it were not interested enough to stay with it to the end. The one person who claimed to enjoy the book could not cite any reasons

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