

Posted by : atcampbell | On : November 21, 2000

Dark Cities Underground by Lisa Goldstein

Eleven people attended this meeting, at which we discussed Lisa Goldstein’s recent novel and chose new books. Dark Cities Underground is a urban fantasy novel involving trains, Egyptian gods, and children’s books and their authors.

Most of us liked this book a lot. We found the characterization of the children’s author and her son, who was the protagonist of her books, to be believable. Goldstein’s prose was involving and a joy to read, reminding several of us of Jonathan Carroll’s work. The book was full of great archetypes and images (dog-headed men, not-so-jolly green giants, a woman made of rain) that

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Posted by : atcampbell | On : November 7, 2000

Typhon’s Children by Toni Anzetti

The discussion of Toni Anzetti’s first novel drew a crowd of ten people. Typhon’s Children is a science fiction story about a group of humans who have settled on a hostile planet. An expected supply ship is late, and the settlers are running low on necessities. Several key personnel have died, and all of the children born to the settlers have severe birth defects. The book details the colonists’ attempts to survive.

We enjoyed several things about this book. It was the first hard science fiction book we’d read in a while, and the writing style was direct and easy to read. Several people said that they read the book in a single reading. The planet’s

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