

Posted by : atcampbell | On : December 18, 2007

The Android’s Dream by John Scalzi

13 people attended a discussion of The Android’s Dream by John Scalzi. 5 people have read Scalzi before. About 10 people started the book, almost all of them finished it. Most people liked this book, although they almost unanimously agreed it wasn’t very deep. The characters left some readers wishing for more depth.

The plot of the book can be summed up thus: “An interstellar scandal explodes when a human diplomat assassinates an alien diplomat by farting at him, albeit

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Posted by : atcampbell | On : December 5, 2007

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

This meeting at the North Village Library attracted seven participants, including two first-timers. Our topic was The Lightning Thief, a young adult fantasy by San Antonio author Rick Riordan. The book is a modern-day tale about an adolescent boy, Percy Jackson, raised by his mother and an unpleasant stepfather. Percy discovers that his absent father is a Greek God, and that supernatural creatures are out to get him. This leads him to a summer camp for “half-bloods” and eventually to a big adventure.  Two of us had read Riordan’s prior books, which are mystery novels.  Everyone at the meeting started and finished The Lightning Thief.

We enjoyed how this book revisited classic Greek mythology. It was fun to read about what gods do now vs. what they did in the past. We felt that much of this material might be new to a kid in its target age range.  One person appreciated

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