

Posted by : atcampbell | On : March 18, 2008

Farthing by Jo Walton

Twelve people attended this meeting at A.T.’s house. Our topic was Farthing, an alternate history set in England in the 1940s. In the world of this book, the US never entered World War II, leading to Germany taking control of continental Europe and signing a peace treaty with the United Kingdom. At a weekend gathering of the rich and powerful at an English country estate, a prominent politician is killed. The plot of the book revolves around the murder investigation. Only one of us had read Walton before. Ten of us started the book, and nine finished it.

A few readers felt that the alternate history element was the book’s strongest feature. They felt the theme of this book was how much people will take and let happen. They noted the book’s deliberate references to The Man in the High

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Posted by : atcampbell | On : March 3, 2008

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein

Fourteen people attended this meeting at the North Village library, and two submitted comments by email. Four were first-time attendees. Our topic was A Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Heinlein’s classic novel of a revolutionary war between a lunar colony and the Earth. Nine of us had read Heinlein before. Ten of us started the book, and all finished. Four of us had read the book years earlier, including two who read it serialized in a magazine in the 1960s.

One reader said that Heinlein is one of his all-time favorite authors, and he’d read this book at least four times. He remarked that Heinlein did an exceptional job

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