

Kindred Rites

Posted by : atcampbell | On : February 3, 1998

Kindred Rites by Katharine Eliska Kimbriel

Attendees: A. T. Campbell III, Shirley Crossland (by e-mail), Karen Meschke, Willie Siros, Lori Wolf

We had four actual attendees and one virtual attendee for the discussion of Kindred Rites, the sequel to Night Calls. Kindred Rites is a dark fantasy set in the American frontier in the early 1800s, dealing with a young girl being educated as a magic practitioner. We all found the prose style engaging and the story compelling, and we liked the book a lot. The historical period was captured well., and we appreciated that the author set her story in a place and time not overused by other fantasists. The story seemed appropriate for both teenagers and adults, which we admired. We liked the main character, Allie, a lot, and all plan to follow her through several more adventures. As one person put it, “Where was K.E.K. when I was a teenager? I know, not born yet, just my luck.”

— A. T. Campbell, III